Cheese, his name is cheese.. GloRilla [Lyrics]

Cheese, his name is cheese.. GloRilla [Lyrics]

 Song : Cheese, his name is cheese.

Singer : GloRilla


 Cheese, his name is cheese.

 They think they all spoken to me,

 but I think they.

 They like a girl at work.

 How you say it's so hot sheet.

 You would think I went to school for counterpart looking good to tell that they just did my nickel family tested.

 Why do you come from me about a nickel name,

 big bounce that comes in me by Nicholas,

 who I don't need a banner tracks and I don't know that nigger.

 I just leave them on the top of the phone so I can be a bit of a face.

 I took a nickel down the phone when I lose a nigger,

 I just pop out and go fan smoke.

 It's soon as I feel like my time gets wasted,

 then it's time to go if they say they don't fuck with me.

 But I say they can't fuck with me and I don't know how you say it sold me.

 You should have stayed down.

 They could have been up to me.

 How are they doing this talking down because they can't get any money and won't go have to stand?

 She likes you with him.

 You can't just make that one of the things that can stand me now,

 I don't know.

 We might get.

 It should be a Sunday glass set of bloody.

 I don't want to hang on the bleeding and I don't know anything,

 but I can't go,

 but none of the honey what will the daggles text you if I know you don't come from the bed and you got that,

 you can make makeup.

 They scare me, fluffed up, and never go,

 but none of it is a type of makeup message going Coupon me.

 I'm kind of registered around.

 I can't know you babies like a big stoneware.

 Cause did she for the keeper can say your name off in my songs might not talk with you tomorrow.

 He came to me today. I won't give a fuck tomorrow.

 I thought the banner criticism I might be reached for tomorrow every day in the summer sand,

 but that's why a lot of Mars fighting with my tongue no,

 and we all look at Christmas. She says she might have,

 but I don't know how I had to look her up.

 I know that I'm brisk,

 but I can help it pissed on horseback.

 I've been doing this.

 This is next to a loss from some of the focus there I can put you in my business.

 You might wish me to get to my Fitzgerald Dick today,

 sing everywhere to Utah,

 but can't stop it.

 Keep your mouth shut.

 I will meet it.

 I didn't get to keep your nose out tomorrow.

 This is one of mine.

 Both of you visit the US.

 For the channel, but the same one even bigger.

 The door shuts up.

 I know I've got a trigger.

 I was big.

 I don't get one off this.

 Condos in that picture,

 she says,

 you don't fuck me who said that you can't hold,

 then they got a bunch and he can eat like a mango lamb.

 But when I told them all that this house will be.

 Oh, you have been so sweet and I always get my lip with a bathroom up.

 This is an outfit in all the textbooks.

 They say your name is bill Maxwell might not talk with you tomorrow.

 He came up billions here today.

 I won't give a fuck tomorrow.

 They brought the banner criticism.

 I might be reached for tomorrow every day with someone saying.

 But that's why a lot of Marssaysy your name of Pinocchio tomorrow.

 I won't give you 4 tomorrow.

 They put the banner critics go,

 I might be reaching fuck the marvel every day.

 That's so Los Angeles,

 but that's why a lot of. 

Title : Go wrong. No. I'm ill on the... 


Go wrong. No. I'm ill on the. 

Needful nigger free.

 I mean, I gotta wear a banner for Nikki and on S I N G L E now by hanging,

 not the window in my wretched days when you come out.

 Needful nigger,

 free semi-iron gateway banner for nigger tip and our S I NG LE is out by hanging up a window with my wretched.

 Put some chonse to the ears to the outfit glow.

 You can catch me jet and tract tints slant,

 which it holds things popping nutted pot is kind of booming for so you keep a yappy lip and face now put the blue slope and we come in and now they bring it like working on them here.

 As she said,

 she can't come out there today.

 That means he's gay, right?

 He put up in the windows in the summer, pop out at night,

 bragging on the top is better to hold his hair tight.

 What in the way,

 life's great to put steer is a steel-eating cake with a nearby wheel and gets my foot on my neck and the beetle. 

Oh, man, I'm still off.

 Needful nigger, frgroupn iron group bamboo negotiation is at S I N G L E alpha hanging,

 not the window with my wretched days.

 Nicole Frank semi angular square banner for Nikki and I'm S I NG LE out by hanging, not the widow with my racket.

 It's a grey light fucking dumb.

 Like A great quick and done and.

 What do you know, like?

 Oh, God. 

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